Solving separation anxiety for boat owners
Everyone essential
Tristan Darguy runs a brilliantly innovative UK electronics business making connected sensors that feedback data on the movement of a bridge and detect intruders on building sites. When he decided to repurpose his technology for boats, he asked us to create the brand. We spoke to a lot of boat owners and learnt: no boat is the same, they provide pleasure and a lot of headaches, boat owners suffer from separation anxiety. We built the brand, app experience and the launch marketing materials on these insights.
Beyond business
Building the brand platform around the idea of solving separation anxiety for boat owners directed us towards the name VirCru - a portmanteau of virtual crew, it suggests there is always ‘someone’ on your boat keeping an eye on it. Product features were arranged in order of the things sailors worry about most - boat position, power, water levels and security. What could look like yet another gadget for your boat becomes a device that keeps owners connected to the thing they care about enormously.
Execution is strategy
Currently in Beta - the app and sensors are being user tested. Product and brand landing pages and paid social tests are helping us refine the core messaging in time for a March 2022 launch ahead of the new season. Qualitative testing of the proposition with a variety of boat owners have been universally positive.
- Brand proposition and positioning
- Brand name
- Visual brand elements
- App and website art direction
- Social media campaigns
- Launch product video
- Packaging design
- Still in Beta – building out new product features
- Test social campaign CTRs performing above average
- Soft launch December 2021
- Full launch March 2022
Business shift
VirCru app design

VirCru hardware
VirCru web design
Paid social media animations